Here it is, today, March 15, 2011. They've started placements. Since my number, 553, isn't all that low I don't expect to hear anything for a few days. I imagine that I will know before the week is up, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to check every available moment.
I woke up this morning at 8am, too excited to sleep. I immediately grabbed my laptop (which I had conveniently placed at arms reach the night before) and got online to see the news. The
facebook site for the program has been getting hits all morning, people anxiously awaiting the news, but nothing yet. They have done 433 placements, but people with numbers as low as 44 still haven't heard anything. I'm assuming that most of those placements are returning auxiliares. I have good reason to believe this because I follow a blog of a girl in Spain right now and I saw her name on the list of
adjudicada. (Congratulations Elizabeth!)
So here's waiting. I'm extremely nervous and am hosting more doubt than I have in the last 3 months combined. Thank goodness I'm going to work today or I would drive my entire household crazy hunching over the computer all day.