25 November 2011

¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

I must have been extremely sad yesterday.  I felt fine and then when I was in my first class of the day we showed a video that I had made.  It was nothing special, "My name is Richelle, I come from the United States, etc." You can see it at the school's blog if you're really curious.

When the picture of my state came up and I saw that skinny little arrow pointing to Austin...I don't know what happened, my eyes started leaking.  I didn't feel especially sad but three or four times the exact same thing happened.

One of them was when some of the students at school showed me these as a surprise:

I was balling.  I had to explain to them in Spanish that I was crying because it was beautiful and because today was a day for family and that I missed mine.  I think the real reason that I've been so weepy is because I'm really far.  Even if I didn't go to Thanksgiving every year or every holiday every year, I could have if I wanted to.  Not the case this year.

But don't worry.  Friday I went to a Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of other auxiliars and no offense to any of my family, but it was one of the best spreads I've seen in a while.  I was very impressed by all of our cooking skills.  Especially in another country where you can't always obtain the ingredients that you want.


  1. Wait... are these 6-year olds or are they 6th graders? Very cool that they did that. Did you show them how to draw a "hand turkey"?

    --Paul (Richelle's Dad)

  2. They're 6th graders. And I don't know how to draw a "hand turkey". :P
